Nitya Mehta

I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Communication and Computer Science at the University of Illinois Chicago. My focus at the University of Illinois Chicago is to establish a strong academic base while embracing and diving into the fast-changing world of technology This website is my digital canvas where I proudly showcase my projects and share the experiences that shape my growth. I'm passionate about exploring emerging technologies because I find joy in understanding how they work and imagining their potential applications. This curiosity drives me to stay updated with the latest advancements and trends in the tech industry. I enjoy experimenting with new tools, languages, and frameworks to broaden my skills and knowledge base. Learning about new technologies not only excites me but also fuels my motivation to contribute creatively and innovative in this ever-evolving field.


  • Mario's Coding Adventure

    Created to educate students ranging from elementary to college levels on Python programming within a Mario-themed. Each level is tailored to input Python knowledge at varying difficulty levels, culminating in quizzes to assess comprehension.

  • Pantry Tracker

    I have creates a pantry tracker for users to efficiently manage their pantry inventory. Easily add or delete and categorize ur items. You have an options to input the item name and the quantity of it. You also have an option to categorize ur item in 3 categories: food, beverages, and other. I also added a fun feature where you can search up you item to find in it if you list is long. This will enhance your grocery shopping experience by helping you get in and out faster without wasting time. Tracker makes it simple to user and will keep your pantry well-stocked and organized.

  • More Coming Soon!

  • See The Projects


Code Ninjas |Dec 2021 - Mar 2023|

As a coding instructor, I worked directly with the students to help guide them through the Code Ninjas curriculum and teach them problem-solving skills. I helped them gain confidence and new skills including coding, math, and logic, as they progressed from white to black belt.

Headstarter AI |July 2024 - PRESENT|

I just started my journey as a Software Engineer Fellow. I am going to build 5+ AI apps APIs using OpenAI, StripeAPI, Next JS, and Pinecone. I’ve worked on projects from start to finish, collaborating with 3+ engineering peers. We used MCCV design patterns to guide our development process.Coached by Amazon, and Capital One engineers on Agile, Bloomberg, Git, and microservice patterns.

Skills and Certifications

Hard Skills:

CAD | MS Office | Python | Pivot table| Tableau

Soft Skills:

Teamwork and Collaboration | Time management | Organization | Problem-solving | Creativity | Digital literacy


Illinois Global Scholar Certificate | Data Analytics: Excel, Pivot Table, SQL & amp; Tableau


  • Break Through Tech

    As a member of Break Through Tech Chicago, I'm committed to collaborating with others, sharing knowledge and experiences, and supporting fellow members. This organization focuses on advancing the education and careers of women in the tech industry

  • Golf

    As I was a part of the girl's golf team all four years of my highschool. I Initiated and led our golf team donation drive to collect gently used golf clubs and equipment for local golf programs and charities.

  • Girls Who Code

    mentored young girls from ages 13-17 to help them learn computing skills and to increase girls' participation in computer science.